We would like to congratulate ASTA’s Arizona Chapter for participating in the Corporate Advisory Council-funded ASTAPAC Charitable Match Program and giving back to their local community! Arizona ASTA qualified for matching funds thanks to their exemplary PAC fundraising efforts in 2012, including 100 percent board of director contributions and achieving one of the highest member participation rates among all chapters.

The chapter has split their 2012 winnings to both a variety of local and national charities, including:
- $1,000 to Yarnell Community Presbyterian Church in Yarnell, AZ for Yarnell Hill Fire Recovery;
www.yarnellchurch.com - $750 to Arizona Humane Society in Phoenix, AZ;
www.azhumane.org - $500 to Dining for Women in Greenville, SC;
www.diningforwomen.org - $500-to Sky Harbor Interfaith Chaplaincy in Phoenix, AZ;
skyharbor.com/community/interfaithChaplaincy.html - $500 to One Small Step in Chandler, AZ;
www.clothescabin.org - $500 to World Vision in Federal Way, Washington; and
www.worldvision.org - $250 to United Food Bank in Mesa, AZ.
We applaud the board and members of the Arizona chapter for their support for ASTAPAC and for taking advantage of the Charitable Match Program.
Find out more about ASTAPAC, including how to help your chapter qualify for the Charitable Match Program.